
The winter temple. I’d just finished off my Undiscovered Voices portfolio and was wondering where to take my work next. Wanting to introduce more colour into my silhouette work, I came up with this composition.

The below gallery is the initial 5 images for a card game that I was commissioned to draw. The brief was for art reminiscent of the original HeroQuest black and white art which was right up my street.

You know when you draw a picture in a particular style and then completely forget how you did it and can’t replicate it? That’s what’s happened to me with images like Dustwalker that I drew using Rebelle.

The original Fighting Fantasy books’ success was – I think – at least in part down to the fact that Jackson and Livingstone were fortunate enough not to have to use children’s illustrators. And so kids of my generation had books marketed at them with cover and interior art that was all dark fantasy of the type that your mum would disapprove of.